Lesson plan using Vyond


Recently, Earth Day have been celebrated so why not introduce the students to the topic of environmental threats in order to show the how to make a difference.

Lesson plan

Age group: 12

Level: pre-intermediate

Language areas: speaking-listening, reading-writing

Vocabulary focus: vocabulary related to environmental issues (pollution, contamination, climate change, deforestation, loss of species/biodiversity, etc.)

Number of students: 20

Duration: 90’

Objectives: at the conclusion of this class the students will be able to identify the different environmental issues and recognize related vocabulary. They will also be able to analyze different sources of information, summarize them and apply them in their productions. Furthermore, the students will achieve this by working cooperatively.



Activation (10’)

 The teacher will ask the students what they know about environmental issues by using the app Mentimeter. Students will be able to brainstorm and write words related to the environment. This activity will start a discussion (one which the teacher will guide) about Earth Day and the numerous problems the planet is facing.


Comprehension & clarification (5’)

The teacher will show a Vyond video (find the video here) presenting the topics. This video will also serve as an example for the activity.

Environmental issues to discuss: pollution, global warming, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, water pollution.


Application (75’)

 Activity: in groups of 4, make an informational video (no more than 2 minutes) about one of the environmental issues discussed in class using the site Vyond. Include information and what we can do to help solve the problem. You can make an informational video, a story, movie trailer, etc. in order to present the topic. Then, you will present it to the class.


Students will be divided into cooperative groups of 4 and research about environmental threats. Each group will choose one environmental issue that has been discussed and make a short informational video about it using Vyond.

In order to de the research, students can divide the roles to make the investigation more organized and save time (for instance, having one student to be the researcher, another one to be the one who takes notes, another one edits the information/video, etc. They can use resources the teacher brings, such as magazines on the topic or articles, or use their phones/ computer to look for information.

In the video, they will present the information and also show what people can do in order to reduce the damage the chosen issue causes.

If students have trouble using Vyond, the teacher will help them navigate it or show them this tutorial.

Note: in order to carry out this activity in face-to-face lessons, the teacher will have to ask for a special classroom equipped with computers and internet connection.


After the activity:

 The teacher will ask the students to upload the short videos they´ve made to their shared class blog if they have finished them (if not, they will finish them at home). They will show them and present them the following class.

If there's enough time, the students will do a short reflection, in which they will have to find all the vocabulary related to the environment in each others' videos. 

References (used for the video)

Kinhal, V. (n.d.). Seven Biggest Environmental Threats. LoveToKnow. https://greenliving.lovetoknow.com/Seven_Biggest_Environmental_Threats 

Do you know why we call our planet, Mother Earth? (n.d.). The World Counts. https://www.theworldcounts.com/stories/environmental-issues-for-kids

It affects the environment and your health. (n.d.). The World Counts. https://www.theworldcounts.com/stories/What_is_Pollution_for_Kids


  1. Hello Belén, I will leave my comment on the whole blog here since this is your last post.

    Part 1: I really like your introduction, the reader will definitly get to know you very well. I can't believe you made those drawings yourself! You are a natural definitely. It shows that you love both professions and you combine them perfeclt, I am sure your students will love the drawings or animations you make! PS: I wish you good luck to get teaching experience this year <3

    Part 2: the outline of the apps to use in the classroom are really clear, first you provide an explanation (plus it is hyperlink so that's really engaging) and then you provide the activity. Nice sequence on each app, congrats!
    I loved the Earth Day activity as I think students will get to experience language to communicate and not just for the sake of passing the subject ( we should foster this as teachers :)) Therefore, I think the activity is really meaningful and appealing! As you said, creating an animated video yourself may take a looooot of time but with this tool things get a bit easier. Did you make the video yourself? I loved it, well done! It shows great effort.

    In short, I loved how you put things on each of your posts, now I want to read more posts written by you! And I loved the images you created, well done, at first sight your blog comes across as really eye-catching, keep up the amazing job Belu!


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