Me and my studies
The first word that I could think of to begin introducing
myself was student: I´m, as a matter of fact, always studying. I love learning
new things and that is why I´m currently enrolled in two courses of study. One
is to graduate as a teacher of English, a career I chose by chance and that I
now love and the other one is animation cinema, a life-long passion of mine.
As I´m both an English teacher student and a cinema one,
attending all subjects is quite complicated, if not risky as well (I´ve vowed
to myself not to repeat the same mistake I made a few years ago of trying to
attend them all). I´m attending a few subjects from each course (in the INSPT, many of them
from 4th year, such as Evaluation, Philosophy and naturally ICT) and
currently not working.
Teaching experience
To be honest, I don´t have a lot of teaching experience. As
I attended so many subjects throughout my first 3 years of college, I could hardly
find any time to teach in a school- there were quite a few things on my plate. I
have tried teaching friends or relatives but my first real experience inside a
classroom was in the 2nd year practicums and what an experience it
Expectations for the subject
This year, I´m finally trying to find something (wish me luck!)
to gain some teaching experience so I can say I´m very excited about this
subject to gain as much knowledge as I can regarding education and technology.
I do have knowledge of technological devices and tools, but I would love to
learn how to properly use them inside a classroom in order to make my classes relevant and valuable experiences for the students.
Me and technology
As I said before, I do have lots of knowledge with
technology but I can assure that sometimes, I feel intimidated by it. Here´s a
short comic I drew (apologies for the quality) summarizing a conversation I had
with my sister the other week. It’s quite
unbelievable to think technology has progressed in such way in only a few
decades, and everyday something new appears, breaking new ground. And younger
kids nowadays are born in a fully technological environment, but tend to forget
things weren´t that way just a few years ago.
Hope we can get to know each other soon! 💜
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